Delhi-based socialite Shalini Passi has become a household name now, with Netflix series 'Fabulous Lives vs Bollywood Wives' making her a fan favourite. Rarely seen in any casual attire, and oozing style in every frame, Shalini seems to personify the "fabulous" life, giving complex to the other 'wives' on the show, and everyone in the audience alike. Besides her flowing gowns, the specific jewellery she wore for singing lessons, and the different juices she carried with her to break the Karwa Chauth fast, a specific thing that caught everyone's ears was the particular activity she said she often indulges in — cryotherapy. Before her trip to Mauritius on the Netflix show, Shalini was seen going for a cryotherapy session to "get ready for the vacation".

So, what is cryotherapy?

Cryotherapy is a popular treatment method that is used to alleviate pain and inflammation, and its popularity appears to be skyrocketing, especially among celebrities. 

This therapy is also known as cold therapy, which is often used to accelerate recovery from injuries, especially among athletes. This technique can range from applying ice packs to immersing oneself in ice baths or sometimes entering the body in a cryotherapy chamber. As Shalini Passi mentioned on the show, the cool chamber is believed to help burn calories and heal muscles.

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How Does This Therapy Work?

According to experts, when the body is exposed to extreme cold, the blood vessels constrict, which reduces blood flow to the injured area; this helps in minimising swelling and inflammation. After this treatment, the blood vessels dilate, increase blood flow, and increase the presence of anti-inflammatory proteins in the bloodstream. This process can help reduce pain and promote healing.

Types Of Cryotherapy:

  • Ice Packs: A simple and common method involving applying ice packs to the affected area.

  • Ice Baths: Immersing the body in a tub of ice water.

  • Whole-body cryotherapy: entering a special chamber filled with extremely cold air for a short duration.

Benefits Of Cryotherapy:

  • Pain Relief: This therapy is effective in reducing pain associated with injuries, muscle soreness, and conditions like arthritis.

  • Reduces Inflammation: It helps decrease inflammation, which is sometimes a key factor for pain and delayed recovery.

  • Improved Recovery: athletes and individuals with injuries often use cryotherapy to speed up their recovery process.

  • Support Mental Health: Some studies suggest that this therapy may alleviate symptoms of anxiety and stress.

[Disclaimer: The information provided in the article, including treatment suggestions shared by doctors, is intended for general informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.]