New Delhi: The specific origins of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) remain unknown at this time, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but elevated androgen levels are thought to be a key factor. There may be a connection between being overweight and family history, both of which are linked to insulin resistance.

PCOS is one of the most common causes of female infertility, more than that it is a  lifelong health condition that continues far beyond the child-bearing years. Dr Bhavana Diyora, an expert in Ayurveda medicine, says that PCOS is not a disease but a syndrome that needs to be managed with a comprehensive & personalised approach.

What Are The Symptoms Of PCOS? 

Period irregularities, weight gain, and facial hair are common signs of PCOS. It can also lead to excessive body and facial hair growth, acne, infertility, weight gain, hormone imbalance, and a variety of other underlying issues

How Can It Be Controlled? 

With a healthy, balanced diet and regular exercise, PCOS symptoms can be managed and the risk of significant effects can be decreased.

Balanced Diet: Whole foods and a balanced diet are crucial for treating PCOS issues. Whole foods don't contain hormones, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives. These foods are as close as possible to being in their unprocessed, unaltered state. Aside from foods high in protein like sprouts, whole eggs, pumpkin & sunflower seeds, one can incorporate whole foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes into the diet.

Increase Intake Of Anti-Inflammatory Foods: Low-grade chronic inflammation is common in PCOS. Hence it is advised to increase the intake of anti-inflammatory foods such as green leafy vegetables – spinach, kale, and collards. Nuts like almonds and walnuts. Fatty fish like salmon, mackerel, tuna, and sardines. Fruits such as strawberries, blueberries, cherries, and oranges.

Prefer Magnesium Rich Food: Foods high in magnesium that are suitable for PCOS/ include almonds, cashews, spinach, and bananas. Calcium, potassium, and zinc are just a few of the additional minerals that magnesium aids in maintaining at the right levels. To function properly, the heart, muscles, and kidneys all require magnesium. 

Skip Caffeine: It is often advised by experts to skip coffee because consuming caffeine may alter hormone behavior and estrogen levels. Substitutes like herbal tea and green tea could be beneficial. 

What Does The Expert Suggest? 

As a result of its vicious cycle, PCOS has an impact on one's physical, mental, and emotional health. In order to interrupt a cycle, one should treat the entire syndrome by addressing the fundamental cause rather than focusing on one or two symptoms. Instead of just treating the symptoms, they should be cured in order to prevent future recurrences.

Dr Bhavana Diyora suggests, “start with little steps and procedures, get to the bottom of the issue, and thoroughly eradicate it for a proper cure. Yes, it is achievable and you can achieve it.”