New Delhi: The Maharashtra government has relaxed the covid-19 related curbs as the caseload has significantly gone down in the state. According to a notice by the state CM Uddhav Thackeray, the covid-19 restrictions have been relaxed for the districts which have given the first dose of vaccine to 90 percent of the population, and the second dose to 70 percent of the population.

The new guidelines, issued on Monday, allow the reopening of tourist places, including national parks and safaris, reopening of spas, beaches, gardens, and parks. The timings of these places will be decided by local authorities, however, the capacity for spas has been capped at 50 percent. 

The theme parks can also operate at 50 percent capacity. While the funerals no longer have the capacity limit, marriages can be conducted with 25 percent or 200 guests, whichever is lower.

"Bhajans and all other local, cultural, and folk entertainment programs to be allowed with 50% capacity of the hall/ pandal...Marriages may have guests upto 25% of the capacity of the open ground and banquet halls, or 200 whichever is lower," the notice added. 

Restaurants, theatres, and natyagrihas can also remain open and host 50 percent of guests but the timings will be decided by local authorities.  The notice also mentioned the respective DDMAs activities between 11 Pm and 5 AM. And they can also decide on weekly bazaars.

It further said that the list of the districts which are made operational now will be revised every week with respect to the vaccination and new infections data. Maharashtra reported 15,140 fresh covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours.