New Delhi: Sprouts are very beneficial for health, but it is not easy to eat them on a daily basis or eat them frequently. However, we can reap its benefits for a long time if the recipe is changed and not make it the same way everyday.

Lets know how sprouts can be included in your diet in easy and fun ways. 

Benefits of Sprouts

Before knowing the various recipes that can be made from sprouts, let's see its benefits They are called the powerhouse of nutrition and fall in the category of superfood. They contain proteins, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium along many other nutrients. They are effective in sugar control and the fiber present in them is very beneficial for the stomach. It increases good fat and reduces bad fat which improves heart health.

Sprouts Uttapam

  • To make uttapam steam sprouts for five minutes. Now add a little semolina, water, curd and salt to a bowl and make a thick paste.

  • Let us make stuffing in an another bowl. For this, add the steamed sprouts and chopped vegetables and spices to taste.

  • Now spread the semolina on a griddle and let it cook. After some time put the sprouts on top of the uttapam and cook it on a low flame on both sides.

Sprouts Sandwich

  • For making sprouts sandwich, take two slices of brown bread and spread a layer of your favourite sauce.

  • Now place onion, tomato and cucumber on the bread slice and place alpha alpha sprout in the middle. You can also add lettuce leaves to it if you want.

Sprouts Salad –

  • Take finely chopped onions, tomatoes, cucumber in a bowl and add green chillies and coriander as per choice.

  • Now add sprouts to it and also add roasted peanuts and grated coconut.

  • Flavour it with sendha namak (pink salt) and lemon juice and your crunchy sprout salad is ready.

Use It Like A Topping!

Vegetable sprouts can also be used like topping in many dishes instead of eating separately. They can be sprinkled as a topping on anything right from tikkis (patties) to salads or even in soups.