New Delhi: India’s Omicron tally has reached 8,961 with a rise of 0.79 percent since yesterday. The covid-19 caseload has reached 18,31,000 with a jump of 2,82,970 fresh cases in the last 24 hours. Today's covid cases in India are 44,889 more than yesterday, a rise of 18% from yesterday's case count.


The number of deaths reported in the last 24 hours was 441 along with 1,88,157 recoveries. The daily positivity rate stands at 15.13 percent currently. And the active cases stand for 4.83 percent of total cases.

Maharashtra has recorded 39,207 new covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, 26 percent more than the previous day. The number of fatalities recorded in the last 24 hours was 53. 

On the other hand, Delhi reported 11,684 fresh covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours with 38 deaths. Delhi’s positivity rate dropped to 22 percent from 28 percent. Gujarat reported 17,119 fresh covid cases with the highest one-day rise so far according to the health department. 

Meanwhile, Jammu & Kashmir also showed the highest single-day spike of January with 4,651 new infections and 3 deaths. Assam also reported the highest single-day rise in covid-19 cases since the beginning of the pandemic with 8,072 fresh cases. 

According to a study by Prof. Manindra Agrawal, IIT Kanpur, the covid-19 wave led by the Omicron variant has peaked in Delhi, Mumbai, and Kolkata. 

However, it is yet to peak in other states. The states which are supposed to peak in a day or two are Gujarat, Maharashtra, and Uttar Pradesh are predicted to peak today. As per the Sutra model prepared by Prof. Agrawal, India will peak on January 23.