New Delhi: To stay healthy and fit, it is very important to focus on your diet. You also need to have correct blood sugar levels for healthy life. During the Corona pandemic, diabetic patients are at an increased risk. Diabetic patients may face many problems if the sugar level in the body goes up.

You must make some changes in your lifestyle. You must eat food that nourishes the body and keeps blood sugar under control. Most of diabetic patients refrain from consuming carbs but it can have harmful effects on the body. You can include healthy carbs in your diet instead of avoiding them completely. This will be very beneficial to the body and it will also be instrumental in controlling the blood sugar levels.

5 Healthy Carbs for Diabetics 

Whole grains:

When blood sugar levels increase avoid white stuff like maida, pasta, rice, bread completely In place of it, you should include whole grains, bran or multigrain bread in your diet. Barley, quinoa and brown rice are some of the whole grains which you can consume. Ragi and Bajra is also beneficial to diabetes patients. These will provide healthy carbohydrates, fibres, protein, vitamins and minerals in ample quantity 


Oats are a good option. You can eat savoury oats for breakfast. Oats is very effective in controlling blood sugar levels. Oats are rich in fiber which maintains the gut health. Oats contain all the essential nutrients. Consuming oats also keeps you full for a long time. You can also cook it in milk and have it. 


A diabetic patient must include pulses to fulfil the protein requirement in the diet. Level of blood pressure is often disrupted in diabetes patients. Consuming pulses also controls blood pressure. Pulses contain protein, potassium, fiber and other nutrients. 


You should include more fruits in diet when you have diabetes. Fruits are considered to be a good source of healthy carbs. Fruits contain natural sugar. They are also enriched with vitamins and essential nutrients. Diabetics can consume fruits like apples, grapes, berries and bananas. Sweet fruits like mango, litchi and chikoo should be consumed in lesser quantity.

Sweet Potato:

Diabetics should consume fiber-rich foods. Carrots and sweet potatoes must be included in diet. Both these things are quite beneficial to health. Sweet potato is very rich in fiber, which helps in controlling blood sugar.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods and claims mentioned in this article. These should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments, medications or diet.