New Delhi: In India, wellness is a concept which has been in vogue since decades up until now - till some extent. Traditional medicinal and health practices like Ayurveda and yoga have propounded the concept of mental and bodily wellness. Many of the ancient wellness concepts have largely driven by the basic needs of an individual within the requirement hierarchy, namely a focus on a combination of health, nutrition and relaxation.

What makes it more challenging is when once tries to extend the knowledge of wellness and healthcare to others - especial in the format of blogging. Wellness blogging is indeed a serious business as one needs to be updated in several aspects of the sector such as skin, hair, physical and mental heath, body requirements etc.

Similar is the case with Delhi and London based health and wellness blogger Shagun Khanna who made an entry in the field of blogging for a rare reason - rather inspirational. It all started after she was diagnosed with with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome - a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges.

It was then she started taking extra interest in healthcare and wellness filed which included reading up expert case studies and books on the topic. Shagun also had multiple conversations with doctors, dermatologists and nutritionists to figure out a way to good health that worked for her.

Shagun then started sharing the experience of her medical journey with her friends and closed ones on Instagram which soon turned into a full-time business. The Vogue Beauty Awards jury spoke to ABP News and shared her experience of healthcare and wellness blogging. Here are the excerpts of the conversation:

The most important thing about 'blogging' in your opinion?

According to me, staying real and not exaggerating things is the most important thing to be followed in blogging. These days people go overboard with fancy tips and often without checking facts. Being influencers people follow them so being cautious is very important.

How important do you find your role to be in today's time when there's often a conflict between career goals & personal life?

It's good that people are highly career oriented these days but often they are missing in the personal sphere. I feel as a lifestyle blogger I always practise and preach balancing work and personal life.

What was the biggest challenge in establishing yourself as a blogger?

Creating good content on an everyday basis. There is so much competition and being unique while sticking to the beat is very important and challenging.

 How do you define healthcare and what tips would you share with women in their 30s?

Health means inner happiness and staying fit. Regular exercise and balanced diet should be maintained. Eat enough greens. Have proper protein. Exercise regularly and stay happy. That's important.