Health Tips: You may also know that curd contains many nutrients which are very beneficial to keep the body healthy. The vitamins, calcium, and other minerals present in it, protect the body from a variety of diseases. Curd contains a lot of probiotics that help in developing good bacteria by removing bad bacteria in the body. 

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So here are some foods that can be consumed with curd to double their nutrition:

Curd and Dry fruits - Eating nuts and curd together removes the body's weakness. If you are weak, consume it continuously as it can improve your health. If you don't drink milk, this combination is a good way to improve your body's health.

Curd and Jaggery- Adding a little jaggery to a bowl of curd helps in maintaining our metabolism and makes you feel hungry late. It also maintains the body temperature. Eating curd and jaggery together prevents diseases like anemia. You can consume them together daily. Eating jaggery increases hemoglobin and also acts as a blood purifier.

Curd and Cumin seeds- Don't worry if you don't feel hungry and are struggling with a problem like indigestion. Add black salt and roasted cumin seeds to curd and eat it. Doing so increases your hunger and also improves digestion.

Disclaimer: ABP News does not confirm the methods and claims mentioned in this article. These should be considered as suggestions only. Kindly consult a doctor before following any of the above-mentioned treatments/medications/diets.