New Delhi: Read this if you too are suffering from dandruff issues. Dandruff is a medical problem that upsets half the world's adult population. Dandruff occurs on our scalps and is triggered due to fungus. Dandruff causes a lot of damage to our skin. Having it in the hair increases the risk of pimples on the skin as well as the face. The worst damage it causes is to our hair. It weakens the roots of our hair, thereby triggering massive hair loss.

Today, we would tell you about five extremely effective home remedies to keep dandruff at bay. These remedies could also be beneficial in eliminating dandruff.

Coconut Oil:

Coconut oil has been considered very effective in eliminating dandruff. It helps prevent dryness of skin and hair and eliminates dandruff from the root to make hair healthy and strong.

Aloe Vera:

Aloe vera is considered as a panacea for keeping hair and skin healthy. Aloe vera is also very effective in removing dandruff. To do this, you should mix Aloe Vera with Tea Tree Oil and then apply it in your hair. This would conveniently help eliminate dandruff.

Tea Tree Oil:

Tea Tree Oil has been considered quite effective in treating dandruff. For this, you should massage tea tree oil on your scalp regularly.

Baking Soda:

Baking Soda can also help you get rid of dandruff. For instant relief from dandruff, apply baking soda on wet hair and massage it gently for 2-3 minutes. Then, wash your hair with ordinary shampoo. This process would help reduce dandruff instantly and using this a couple of times would help eliminate dandruff completely.


Garlic has anti-fungal properties and it is considered very effective in curing dandruff issues. Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and mix it with the same amount of cloves. Now grind them and mix them with water and use it on your head. This remedy would soon help you get rid of dandruff.