New Delhi: Calling it to be the main vehicle of secondary and tertiary medical care, Niti Aayog's VK Paul on Wednesday said that PM-JAY (Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana) has started to absorb other government schemes and the Centre is planning to expand its scope on the initiatives of the state governments.

While speaking at the inaugural session of 'FICCI HEAL 2021', organized jointly with the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and NITI Aayog, Dr Paul said that the government will continue to refine PMJAY and all those who are not yet part of it should partner with it.

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"The central government is also willing to increase its ambit. PM-JAY is here to stay, and it is the main vehicle for secondary and tertiary care and therefore we have to reposition ourselves to align with this," news agency ANI quoted him as saying.

Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY) is a national public health insurance fund of the Government of India that aims to provide free access to health insurance coverage for low income earners in the country. 

Dr Paul further stressed on working to include the remaining hospitals into the PMJAY's ambit with efforts on the high volume and modest return model.

He also stated that the area of critical medicine and extension in emergency medicine has to be leveraged by the nation. 

"On the public health side this is a weak area, and we need your (industry) help to strengthen the critical care of the nation. The PM Atmanirbhar Swasth Bharat Yojana also talks about critical care infrastructure augmentation and it's a spontaneous area where we can work together. There is a need for building a National Network of Excellent Emergency and Trauma System which has an element of transfer ambulances part of intra-ambulance care," he noted.

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Further in his speech, Dr Paul also said that state governments are planning to increase their budgets on healthcare from the current 4-4.5 per cent to almost 8 per cent, which should help in getting the requisite focus on enhancing the healthcare status in their respective states.

He also called on the private sector to provide suggestions on the budget for next year as well as give ideas on how to utilise and strengthen the AYUSH or traditional medicine sector of the country.

Last but not the least, Dr Paul also stressed on the need of converting more district hospitals into medical colleges to help augment our human resources.