New Delhi: The viral fever known as dengue is transmitted by the bite of an Aedes mosquito. The most typical signs of this illness include joint pain, muscle loss, low platelet count, fever, headache, and skin rashes. A healthy, balanced diet is crucial to reduce the intensity of these symptoms. Additionally, the right food can be quite helpful during the recuperation phase.

Two major things to keep in consideration while treating against this viral is the recurrence of dengue and the diet to be maintained and followed. Once someone has had dengue, their body develops an immunity to that particular virus, making the chances of reoccurrence really low. If it does, however, reoccur, there is a high likelihood that they will experience severe symptoms. Therefore, when the individual is in the healing period, it is absolutely crucial to have a proper diet in order to avoid this.

Food items that can be consumed during Dengue:

1. Coconut Water:

Maintaining your fluid intake at this time is essential. Coconut water is a natural source of water that is packed with important minerals and electrolytes, so you can use it as a substitute if it is difficult for you to drink water throughout the day.

2. Curd:

Your digestion can be greatly improved by curd, which also contains probiotics that help fight bacterial and viral infections. You can consume curd in the form of buttermilk or lassi.

3. Papaya:

This is regarded as one of the most effective dengue home treatments. You ought to consume papaya extract, which is supposed to be the most efficient way to raise your platelet count when you have dengue fever. 

Simply crush a few papaya leaves to obtain the extract, which must be consumed all at once due to its strong odour and flavour.

4. Pomegranate:

The nutrients in red pomegranates provide strength to your body. It fights the common weariness and exhaustion associated with dengue. Iron-rich pomegranate seeds can aid in restoring normal platelet levels. You can either eat it raw or consume it as juice.

5. Herbal Tea:

When you're unwell, herbal tea can make you feel more comfortable. The discomfort might be reduced by chamomile and peppermint herbal drinks. Antioxidants included in herbal teas, including fenugreek, ginger, and cinnamon, can aid in your recovery and help you fight off the illness.

Food items that should not be consumed during Dengue:

1. Oily and spicy food:

Eating a diet rich in oil is not good for health. Its high fat and poor cholesterol can impede your ability to recover. Additionally, it may cause high blood pressure, which could impede your recuperation. 

Also, it is good to avoid spicy meals because they might upset the stomach and hinder recovery. In addition to increasing problems, dengue can weaken immunity.

2. Street Food:

Although we crave street foods, the dirt and germs around make them really unhygienic. Eating food from the street may cause other illnesses that could postpone your recovery because your immunity is already poor.

3. Caffeinated Drinks:

Although getting plenty of fluids is essential for recovering from dengue, a doctor might suggest avoiding caffeinated beverages. Caffeine-containing beverages are bad for your body and can make you tired, especially if you're unwell. Water or herbal teas should be substituted for coffee.