Folic Acid: Folate is a chemical that works to repair damaged cells in the body and also helps in making new cells. If you want to maintain your health, having adequate levels of folate is a must.

Folic acid is also known as vitamin B9, folate, and folacin. Folic acid is a water-soluble form of vitamin B9 and is considered important for mental health. Apart from this, it is also good for red blood cells production and DNA. If you have a deficiency of folic acid, you can identify it through these symptoms and fulfill the deficiency through your diet.

Why Is Folic Acid Important?

According to experts, folic acid is essential for the body as it improves digestion and reduces stomach-related problems. Foods containing folic acid are used to relieve problems like constipation, nausea, and diarrhea. Folic acid is also required for the proper circulation of oxygen throughout the body. A deficiency of folic acid may lead to many problems. 

Symptoms of Folic Acid Deficiency

Feeling angry

Folic Acid Important During Pregnancy

Folic acid is vital for the health of pregnant women as well as for the baby. This leads to the mental and physical development of the baby in the womb. According to experts, women need at least 400 mg of folate during pregnancy. Pregnant women must include folic acid along with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber in their diet. 

How To Overcome Folic Acid Deficiency?

One must include broccoli in the diet. Along with this, nutrients like potassium, copper, and zinc are also found in it. One should eat lots of green vegetables. An adequate amount of folate is found in them.

Other sources of folate are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and flaxseeds. You should also add these things to your diet. Folate is also found in abundance in kidney beans and beetroot.