New Delhi: The first lot of Sputnik V vaccines is likely to arrive in India from Russia on Saturday. The Russian vaccine's arrival is expected to boost India's efforts in ramping up its capacity to vaccinate more citizens as the third phase of the inoculation drive is set to begin on May 1.

Sputnik V was the third vaccine to be given Emergency Use Authorisation in India after Oxford University - AstraZeneca developed 'Covishield' and Bharat Biotech manufactured 'Covaxin'.

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The first tranche of the Sputnik V vaccine is expected to arrive in Hyderabad tomorrow. As reported by news agency ANI which cited diplomatic sources, the Indian envoy to Russia Bala Venkatesh Varma said India expects between 1,50,000 to 2,00,000 ready-made vaccines to be available very quickly in the early part of May. 

Diplomatic sources revealed to ANI that India will get a significant number of vaccines in the first tranche and then the supply will continue in installments.

CEO of Russian Direct Investment Fund Kirill Dmitriev had as per the report earlier told a TV news channel that Sputnik vaccines will be delivered to India on May 1.

India is expecting 5 million vials of Sputnik vaccines by next month.

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Meanwhile, Pfizer and BioNTech have stated that they are firmly committed to working towards affordable access to their Covid-19 vaccine for people around the world including in India

The company released a statement on Friday where it wrote: "We confirm that a meeting was held to discuss how Pfizer can support the Government of India's COVID-19 efforts. Pfizer and BioNTech are firmly committed to working towards equitable and affordable access for our COVID-19 vaccine for people around the world including in India".

"Pfizer is working relentlessly to meet the public health demand and we are committed to continuing to work with the Government of India to establish a path forward," it added as reported by ANI.

Earlier in the day, Indian Ambassador to the US, Taranjit Singh Sandhu had a discussion with Pfizer CEO Albert Bouria where they talked about ways in which the vaccine maker can support inoculation drive in India.

In a tweet, Sandhu informed that he discussed with the Pfizer CEO how the company can strengthen the Covid response in India.

India began its vaccination drive on January 16 with all healthcare and frontline workers made eligible for the jabs. The second phase started on March 1 where doses were administered to people above the age of 60 and those between 45 and 59 years with specific comorbidities. The third phase of the Covid-19 vaccination drive will begin from May 1 wherein all people above 18 years of age will be eligible for inoculation.