Social media and internet is filled with million suggestions on how to reduce the weight. Some articles mention that apple cider vinegar should be included in our daily diet. This topic has been explained in detail in a video by Health Coach.

Luke Coutinho explains that apple cider vinegar helps with weight loss, but it plays a very small part in reducing fat. He added that despite being beneficial, apple cider vinegar has its own side effects and people should know about it, before making it a part of their diet. Incorrect quantity and excessive consumption then it can cause damage.

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Is Apple Cider Vinegar Helpful in Losing Weight?
According to him, apple cider vinegar is not a 'panacea' that can help you lose weight. He clarified, "Losing weight is about getting your hormones in balance. You can achieve that with a good lifestyle, eating a body-friendly diet, exercising and improving your sleep and taking care of your stress level." On the question, can apple cider vinegar help you lose weight?

He replied, "Not at all." According to him, apple cider vinegar is especially suitable for people who have low levels of acid in the stomach. Low levels of acid in the stomach can cause problems with digestion. When we use apple cider vinegar, it helps in stimulating stomach acid production, thus rectifying digestion issues. On the other hand, if you already have digestive problems, apple cider vinegar can actually make it worse.

Apple vinegar does not need to be a necessity. He clarified, "If consumption of apple vinegar 45 minutes before or after a meal can reduce your bloating, then it suits you. Otherwise it doesn't" Regarding the effect of vinegar on acidity, he says that on the one hand it can improve symptoms in some people, but in others, it can worsen the condition.

He quoted research that clarifies that apple cider vinegar helps reduce blood sugar, blood pressure, and triglycerides levels. But, as far as its use is concerned, if your body does not have any reaction to it then you can use it. If your body feels weird then don't use it. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a specialist before adding apple cider vinegar to your diet.