New Delhi: As the covid-19 cases spurt in the national capital, 1,094 fresh cases were recorded on Saturday with two fatalities. The positivity rate rose to 4.82 percent as per the data shared by the health department. 

On Friday, a total of 22,614 covid-19 tests were conducted, the data showed. With the fresh data, the covid-19 tally now stands at 18,73,793 with a death toll of 26,166. 

Delhi has been witnessing a slow surge in covid-19 cases with 1,042 cases recorded on Friday at a positivity rate of 4.64 percent. Two fatalities were recorded on Friday as well. While on the other hand, Thursday saw less than 1,000 cases with a record of 965 fresh cases at a 4.71 percent positivity rate and a single death. 

The covid-19 cases in Delhi have seen a sudden surge in the past few days as the number of active cases reached 3,705 from 601 on April 11. 

However, only less than three percent of patients are hospitalised so far, others being in home isolation. 

Currently, 79 covid-19 patients are admitted to the hospital while 2,532 are recovering in home quarantine. 

As per the data shared by the health department, only 101 beds of the total 9,489 beds are occupied as of now which accounts for 1.06 percent of the available beds. 

Meanwhile, considering the surge in covid-19 cases, the Delhi government has issued an order to make masks mandatory in public. The offenders will be fined Rs 500, and there is no fine for those travelling together in private four-wheelers. 

The Delhi government also said that the precautionary vaccine dose will be provided to beneficiaries aged between 18-59 years at government vaccination centers. 

Delhi has also started genome sequencing of samples of all Covid-infected people to ascertain if a new variant, such as the XE, has spread in the city.