New Delhi: India has reported 67,084 fresh Covid cases in the last 24 hours. The number of infections is marginally less than the previous day. The country also reported 1,241 deaths on Tuesday.

1,67,882 patients recovered from the virus in the last 24 hours.

Active cases: 7,90,789 (1.86%)

Death toll: 5,06,520

Daily positivity rate: 4.44%

Total vaccination: 1,71,28,19,947


The cumulative COVID-19 vaccine doses administered in the country crossed 171 crore on Wednesday, the Union Health Ministry said.

More than 44 lakh (44,08,918) vaccine doses were administered till 7 pm on Wednesday.

More than 1.60 crore (1,60,95,273) precaution doses have been administered so far to healthcare workers, frontline workers and those aged 60 and above with comorbidities.

The daily vaccination tally is expected to increase with the compilation of the final reports for the day by late night.

In a landmark achievement, more than 1 crore youngsters between the age group of 15 to 18 years have been successfully administered with both doses of the vaccine.


Maharashtra on Wednesday reported 7,142 new coronavirus positive cases, 1,035 more than the day ago, while the death toll rose by 92 to reach 1,43,247, according to a PTI report.

The state had on Tuesday recorded 6,107 COVID-19 cases, 329 less than on Monday, and 57 deaths linked to the infection.

With the fresh cases, the state's cumulative infection count rose to 78,23,385.

The overall recovery count in Maharashtra grew to 75,93,291 after 20,222 patients were discharged during the day, leaving the state with 82,893 active cases, the department said in its bulletin.

No new cases of the Omicron variant of the virus were reported during the day.

The coronavirus fatality rate in the state is 1.83 per cent, while the recovery rate is 97.06 per cent, it said.