New Delhi: After witnessing a decline in Covid cases for the past few weeks, India has now witnessed a surge in cases. India logged 1,938 fresh Covid cases in the last 24 hours Though the spike in the tally is marginal the increasing cases around the globe are raising alarm as experts are forced to discuss a fourth Covid wave. 

The country also registered 2,531 recoveries taking the total recoveries to 4,24,75,588 and 67 deaths which has raised the death toll to 5,16,672 in the last 24 hours.

With the addition of new cases, the active cases have reached 22,427 which is 0.05% of the total cases.

The daily positivity rate of the country now stands at 0.29%.


Maharashtra on Wednesday reported 149 new cases of coronavirus and two fresh deaths linked to the infection, while 222 more patients were discharged following recovery, the state health department said.

With this, the overall COVID-19 count in the state rose to 78,72,817, while the death toll increased to 1,43,769, the department said in a bulletin.

On Tuesday, the state had logged 156 coronavirus cases, but zero fatalities.

In Maharashtra, 19 districts and 13 municipal corporations did not report any fresh cases of coronavirus in the last 24 hours, the bulletin said.

Mumbai reported the highest COVID-19 cases among the cities at 46.

As per the bulletin, the number of recovered cases in Maharashtra increased to 77,23,959 after 222 patients were discharged during the day, leaving the state with an active tally of 1,084.