New Delhi: As concerns continue unabated across the nation amid the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic, the daily cases of the novel coronavirus have reportedly dropped by over 50 percent over the week in several states and Union Territories, including Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Goa and Jharkhand.

According to official data, the daily Covid cases in the national capital Delhi have come down by 71.05 per cent from 13,287 on May 13 to 3,846 on May 19.

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Delhi is followed by India’s most populous state Uttar Pradesh, which has recorded a drop of 60.12 per cent from 18,023 cases in a day to 7,186 infections.

Gujarat too has witnessed a decrease in the daily numbers from 11,017 to 5,246. Goa too is on the same path as 2,491 cases were reported on May 13 while the figures came down to 1,209 on May 19.

Similarly, Jharkhand witnessed a 56.57 per cent drop in the daily Covid cases as the figures in the tribal dominated state, which was 4,362 on May 13 came down to 1,894 on May 19.

Likewise, the other states of Haryana (45.41 per cent), Madhya Pradesh (43.5 per cent), Uttarakhand (42.03 per cent), Rajasthan (39.88 per cent), Bihar (38.56 per cent), Nagaland (33.33 per cent) and Maharashtra (27.25 per cent) have also witnessed a drop in the daily cases over the week.

The decrease in the daily Covid cases was over 20 per cent for Kerala (24.73 per cent) and Punjab (23.8 per cent) while the drop in daily cases was less than 20 percent for Telangana (18.75 per cent) and Karnataka (14.29 per cent), respectively.

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Puducherry (9.42 percent), Jammu and Kashmir (8.88 per cent) and West Bengal (6.72 per cent) witnessed a drop of less than 10 percent in the daily cases.

However, there has been increase in the daily cases in several states and UTs, including Meghalaya (47.54 per cent), Arunachal Pradesh (31.64 per cent), Lakshadweep (31.6 per cent), Tripura (30.43 per cent), Ladakh (22.93 per cent), Sikkim (15.15 per cent), Tamil Nadu (14.89 per cent), Assam (8.59 per cent), Andhra Pradesh (7.96 per cent), Manipur (3.92 per cent) and Odisha (1.06 per cent).