New Delhi: Almost 100 people have been infected with the new Coronavirus, all of them had visited the Nizamuddin mosque for the Tablighi Jamaat, shooting India’s number of positive cases to 1397 till now. Many more suspected to show up as almost 2000 people were staying at the mosque dormitory for weeks even after the event. Many foreign nationals were stranded at the mosque after the Janta Curfew was announced. This case alone shows how important it is to practice social distancing in a time where a cure is not available and the vaccine will take at least 12 – 18 months.

Continuous research is giving more information each day, but it is a race against time as the spread of the virus hasn’t stopped. The virus is known to spread when an infected person speaks, coughs or sneezes or through contaminated surfaces which is why it is easy for it to spread in a crowded space.

An infected person might not be showing symptoms and would still be spreading the virus unknowingly which is why social distancing is an important advice given by the WHO. The droplets are heavy which is why it can only travel up to 1-meter distance before it settles to a surface. During an event like Tablighi Jamaat where thousands of people were in close proximity at all times, it was easy for the virus to spread.

Keeping yourself away from large gatherings is really important, which is why even the Olympics were moved to 2021. Until researchers find more solutions it is important to practice the advice given by the WHO which are:

  • Maintain social distance. Try not leaving your house unless absolutely necessary and if you are out to buy groceries make sure you keep a distance of 1 meter from others.

  • Wash your hands frequently for 20 seconds with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand rub.

  • Avoid touching your face, especially your mouth or eyes as you may have touched a contaminated surface and the virus might be on your hands which can then transfer through your mouth or eyes.

  • Droplets can spread virus so cough/sneeze in your elbow or a tissue and dispose of it immediately in a closed dustbin.

If you notice any symptoms, self-isolate yourself and seek advice from your doctor or healthcare provider