Coronavirus in Pakistan: Pakistan’s Coronavirus recorded cases have surged to 1700 and while it is suspected that it may be around 12,000. In such a dire situation the country had to come up with alternatives to cover the short supply of equipment in the market. Lack of awareness about the virus among people and a government that is ill-prepared and cash-strapped is giving rise to the number of cases. A charitable organization, Edhi which is famous for its emergency services has stepped up and is providing healthcare workers with raincoats and rubber boots since there is a shortage in protective gear and equipment to tackle the novel Coronavirus. The foundation has been servicing Pakistan for decades when the government’s aid services fail.

While the whole world is looking to tackle this global pandemic by taking precautionary measures, Pakistan is still defiant and isn’t looking towards a nationwide lockdown which is a measure taken by most countries to buy time and slow the spread of the novel Coronavirus.

The ill-preparedness of the government, the lack of protective gear pushed the doctors to threaten to go on strike a couple of weeks ago. This also led to the death of a doctor who contracted Coronavirus while treating COVID-19 patients. The health ministry has acknowledged these issues and has decided to import equipment from China until which they’ll be using the alternatives that the Edhi Foundation has provided.

The organization has supported the government in times of crisis and they have provided the country with ambulances and equipment in the past. Without any precautionary measures in place to contain the virus, the government has to depend on such organizations for welfare of the people, especially the poor in such hard times. The foundation also reported that they have been receiving panic calls from all around the country concerned about COVID – 19.