New Delhi: While rigorous checking and testing has been launched in the country as 2 cases of Omicron variant have been found in India, the nation has reported less than 10,000 cases on Friday, India has registered 9,216 new cases in the last 24 hours, informed the Union Health Ministry.
The active caseload of the country now stands at 99,976. The active cases account for less than 1% of total cases and is currently at 0.29% which is the lowest since March 2020.
The country witnessed 8,612 recoveries in the last 24 hours increases taking the total recoveries to 3,40,45,666.
The death toll climbed to 4,70,115 with 391 fresh fatalities, including 320 from Kerala, according to the data updated at 8 am.
Of the 320 deaths in Kerala, 66 were reported over the last few days and 254 were designated as COVID-19 deaths after receiving appeals based on the new guidelines of the Centre and the directions of the Supreme Court, a Kerala state government release said.
The ministry said the daily rise in new coronavirus infections has been less than 50,000 for 159 consecutive days now.
The Health Ministry said on Friday evening that around 55 per cent of total caseload in the country is because of Kerala and Maharashtra.
Kerala on Thursday recorded 4,700 fresh COVID-19 cases and 320 deaths, raising the caseload to 51,40,090 and the toll to 40,855 respectively, the State government said.
Of the 320 deaths, 66 were reported over the last few days and 254 were designated as COVID-19 deaths after receiving appeals based on the new guidelines of the Centre and the directions of the Supreme Court, an official press release said.
With 4,128 more people recovering from the virus since Wednesday, the total recoveries reached 50,66,034 and the active cases 44,376, the release said.
As many as 59,702 samples were tested in the last 24 hours, it said.