Given the pandemic, schools have been shut for close to one year and children have been imprisoned in their homes. This has had a significant impact on the physical health of children. A survey has revealed that 51% of the children in Delhi have a disturbed or unhealthy Body Mass Index (BMI). 

This conclusion has been drawn from a survey conducted by Sportz Village Schools on 18,549 children in Delhi. The Annual Health Survey (AHS) covered 2,54,681 children in the age group of 7 to 17 years from 364 schools in 250 cities and towns.

The survey revealed that the fitness of children across the country has deteriorated during the lockdown. There has been an increase in the percentage of unhealthy BMI for children in Delhi. According to last year's survey, 50% of children in Delhi had unhealthy BMI.

A national survey reveals that 1 out of every 2 children has a questionable BMI. In terms of upper body strength, 3 out of 5 kids are unhealthy. In terms of lower body strength, 2 out of 3 children are unfit. In terms of abdominal strength, 1 in 6 kids is unhealthy.

In Delhi, 9 out of 10 children were found to be unhealthy or poor in terms of aerobic capacity, while 2 out of 5 children were found to be lacking in core strength. The percentage of children with healthy levels of aerobic capacity and core strength declined by 33% and 10% respectively.

Healthy BMI levels have been found to be higher in girls than in boys. Girls have a healthy BMI level of 48% and boys 44%.