Marvel’s Spider-Man, back when it came out in 2018, delighted fans with its exciting web-swinging mechanics, emotionally charged story, and a plethora of suits and powerups that for a change were not locked behind obscene paywalls. In 2020, developer Insomniac followed it up with Spider-Man: Miles Morales, which was noticeably shorter in length but was a great showcase of the franchise’s next-gen capabilities on the PlayStation 5. Well, it’s time for Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 to swing into your PS5 consoles and here’s a quick roundup of leading reviews.

At the time of writing, Spider-Man 2 has garnered a Metacritic score of 91/100, achieving a Must-Play badge as well as an “Universal Acclaim” rating, based on 130 critic reviews. 

Click here to check out our quick two-hour review

Here’s a quick roundup of reviews from global publications:

IGN: 8/10

“As a sequel in a spectacular series, Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is both blessed and cursed. Its story of two Spider-Men is a great time and a Spidey fan’s dream to play through as comic book pages are brought to life, elegantly walking the tightrope between light humour and heavier themes. Meanwhile, Insomniac refines a successful formula of combat and web-swinging without revolutionising either in major ways, making them comfy and familiar with just enough new tweaks and abilities to elevate them to fun new heights. The part that feels like it actually needed a radical rethinking is the open world of New York City, which has been made bigger but not better, with an exhausting checklist of mostly repetitious side activities. But it’s safe to call this another thrilling Spider-Man adventure that delivers Insomniac's best tale yet, and despite its open world falling short, it's a reliably fun superhero power trip. And, you know what? Screw it. It really did make me feel like Spider-Man, too.”

Gamespot: 8/10

“All in all, Marvel's Spider-Man 2 may largely give us more of what we've played in Insomniac's previous Spider-Man games, but that winning formula is still so damn fun that it really doesn't matter. The story's exploration of loneliness is fantastic, creating gripping new narratives for the two heroes, Peter and Miles, as well as the two main villains, Kraven and Venom. Spider-Man 2 unites all four characters in a riveting narrative throughline you'll want to see all the way through and has the gameplay hooks to keep you engaged the whole ride.”

Game Informer: 9.5/10

“Insomniac has nailed that rarest of video game development feats. The team has landed a trilogy of games that all stand strong on their own merits but unite into a sweeping saga made better by experiencing its entirety. While more Spider-Man games will inevitably expand this mythology in new directions, there's no need to wait. With Spider-Man 2, the developer has found what makes superhero stories worth telling--and retelling--and given its likeable heroes the journey they deserve.”

Forbes: 8.5/10

“For fans of the first game, or Spider-Man, or action games in general, Spider-Man 2 is an easy recommendation. There are about five dozen teasers and Easter eggs by the end so I'm sure we’re in for more, whether that's another Miles-sized game or another sequel down the road. But for now, yes, this is all the Spider-action you need for a good long while.”

Gaming Bible: 9/10

“This is an amazing fantasy come to life and realized like never before. Insomniac Games has crafted yet another heartfelt Spider-Man story bursting with twists, turns, and show-stopping spectacle. While I wish it had taken a few more risks in changing up its open-world formula, it's tricky to remember those criticisms when I’m diving from the top of the Empire State Building and firing out a web line at the last second as I swing away in search of ass to kick.”