From God of War to Uncharted, PlayStation-exclusive titles always command a special corner in the hearts of console gamers. Sure, Sony has now started releasing several of previously exclusive PlayStation titles on PC. However, the experience of enjoying your favourite PlayStation title, all cozied up on your couch, on the DualShock or DualSense controllers remains unparalleled. So, here are some of the most awaited PlayStation releases of this year.


Release date: January 24

Promising a unique cross-map traversal system that resembles the memorable style of Middle-Earth: Shadow of War and Infamous Second Son, Forspoken comes from the developers of Final Fantasy XV. Forspoken will make full use of PS5’s ray-tracing features and SSD prowess to make loading times and fast travel feel almost spontaneous. If Forspoken does deliver, it could very well become a benchmark for next-gen performances across platforms.

Crime Boss: Rockay City 

Release date: March 28

Crime Boss: Rockay City boasts of a star-studded cast which includes the likes of Michael Madsen, Kim Basinger, Danny Glover, Danny Trejo, Vanilla Ice, Michael Rooker, and — wait for it — Chuck Norris! If that isn’t reason enough to check out Rockay City when it drops on PS5 in March, check out this sweet trailer below and see if that doesn’t change your mind.

Final Fantasy XVI

Release date: June 22

It's been over six years since Final Fantasy XV came out, and the sixteenth entry is a bit special for PS5 fans as it will officially be the first Final Fantasy release on the next-gen platform, even if it's for a limited period before PS4 users also get their hands on it. Featuring real-time combat just like the previous instalment, FF XVI will also feature fracture open map elements. 

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2

Release date: Fall 2023

The first Spider-Man (2018) was one of the highest-selling games on the PS4, and the sequel is expected to put the next-gen console’s graphical prowess to best use and deliver a meorable story that will revolve around Spidey and Miles Morales taking on none other than the Venom itself.