Over the last decade or so, India has witnessed a tremendous influence of gaming amongst its youth in particular. Even though it is still a novel idea in our country, esports – which essentially refers to organised multiplayer gaming or competitive gaming competitions – has now successfully penetrated both the country’s youthful gamers and its vibrant digital media and entertainment ecosystem. 

However, until around a decade back, it was considered to be a societal taboo or stigma to play video games as they were portrayed in a negative light; hence esports too was not considered a valid career opportunity for young professionals in India. Cut to today, things have changed for the better drastically, and today in India, a career in esports is considered to be one of the most lucrative, fun, and potent career pathways.

India has been preparing to catch up to other top esports nations. By 2025, it is anticipated that several thousands of more esports teams and esports athletes in India would get ready to participate at the national and international levels.

India has already started sending its esports teams to renowned international platforms such as the Asian Games and Commonwealth Games. Many esports gamers and content creators — often having fan base/follower base in millions or billions — are also in parallel making the country proud by acing major international esports titles. 

Owing to this vast rising popularity and acceptance, India has now become the largest esports market in South Asia. No wonder, industry experts are voicing their opinion that now is the time to witness and explore esports as a viable career option, with both the private and government sectors supporting its growth.

Today, the average salary/income range of esports players in India changes from player to player, game to game, and according to their fan base, brand deals, partnerships, followers and subscribers. But the average salary in esports ranges from Rs 30,000 to Rs 1,50,000 or more at times.

Many a time, esports teams or organisations would sign up players under salary-based agreements and would additionally provide them various other perks and exciting career growth opportunities as well. Most of the esports streamers/ players don’t do it for the money per se, but for their love of the craft, i.e. gaming. Excluding their income, nowadays they also get goodies and complimentary gifts from their sponsored brands. Hence, this is emerging as a most-sought career option that fills one’s pockets and soul.

As a matter of fact, the immense support from the fans, brands, and big shots in the industry have all collectively propelled the esports industry into a lucrative space. This in turn is allowing the esports players to have a steady income stream to let them continue following their passion. The esports industry in India and the world, in the near future, is going to rival traditional sports leagues as a competitor in ticket sales, merchandise, and media coverage, among other aspects. The recent tournament, BGMI Masters Series, telecasted on national television shows us how far this industry has grown.

Opportunities Galore: What are the Other Career Options in the Indian Esports Sector?

Not everyone can become an esports player or athlete. But worry not, Indian esports has a plethora of other opportunities too for everyone depending on their area of expertise and interest. Some of the notable career roles are described below:

Host & Casters: Esports casters and hosts provide commentary on competitions on stage or online. Hosts present tournaments on stage while casters provide commentary on games from a desk or studio.

Coach: Esports coaches have a similar role to traditional coaches when it comes to training players physically and mentally. Coaching methods changes depending on the particular game they’re participating in.

Social Media Manager: Across all social media platforms, social media managers conduct marketing campaigns for their teams, organisations, or leagues as well as create and maintain brand promotions.

Admins or Esports Referee: In esports, administrators (or referees) keep track of the results, enforce the rules, and impose penalties if needed.

Production Roles: There are various production-side roles when it comes to showcasing/streaming of LAN events in the esports arena, such as cameraperson, production manager and crew members, etc. One of the most highly-paid roles on the production front is that of a Show Director who is in charge of LAN titles that are telecasted and may get up to INR 4o lakhs per annum as salary.

Apart from the above-mentioned ones, some of the other lucrative career options in esports are:

> Head of Operations/Head of Esports Org
> Influencer Manger
> Agency Manager 
> Business Development Manager/Sales Manager
> Bootcamp Manger
> Esports Community Manager/Discord Community Manager
> Event Manager
> Game Graphic & VFX Designer
> Esports Team Manager
> League Operations aka League Ops
> Esports Streaming and Chat Moderators aka Mods

A fascinating new era

Today, a fascinating new era of esports is emerging in India; a time when possibilities are in abundance and the video game industry is becoming extremely competitive, and at the same time, the millennial workforce is constantly expanding and astoundingly tearing down barriers and making possible what was unthinkable a few years back. 

Going forward, the esports industry will only further continue to prosper and shine. And if you are someone who wants to leverage the esports revolution to build a thriving career, it is never too early or late to start working on your dream.

If you are inclined towards a career in esports, then as in every industry hard work and perseverance are of course needed. Hone in your skills and notice where you thrive so you can pick a role in the esports industry of your choice. Attend tournaments and events to socialise with many creators and players so you can gain knowledge from them, and spend time perfecting your skillset, resume, and craft. Also, you must utilise social media to step up your game in every way possible.  

These are some of the steps that every person aspiring to be making a mark in the burgeoning gaming and esports industry should implement to kickstart and make the most out of their career. 

(The author is the co-founder and COO of STAN, a gaming-focussed fan engagement platform, where users can collect, play, and engage with your favourite esports and gaming collectibles and earn perks and rewards)

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