Call of Duty franchise's latest instalment, believed to be titled Black Ops 6, appears to be officially in the works, based on a series of enigmatic teasers. The first hint emerged through a video shared by the CharlieIntel account on X/Twitter, featuring live-action footage of Mount Rushmore defaced with the phrase “The Truth Lies.” This video is part of a teaser campaign on a newly launched website that includes an interactive TV with six channels, a clear nod to the game's title.

For reference, the last Black Ops game was launched in 2020, titled "Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War". At the time of writing, it has a Metacritic score of 76 (generally favourable). It would indeed have been great to see a fresh IP from the popular franchise, but it seems publisher Activision isn't going to stop playing safe anytime soon. 

A subsequent teaser has also surfaced online, indicating that further reveals are imminent. This second video, about 20 seconds shorter than the initial one, shows what appears to be the same clandestine group posting black and orange "The Truth Lies" posters.

The most recent teaser can be viewed on CharlieIntel’s social media, providing fans with a glimpse into the upcoming game.


What Does Show?

The teaser website, presumed to be for the next Call of Duty game, strongly hints at Black Ops 6. It features a CRT TV with multiple channel options, although it reveals little beyond the teaser trailer displayed on a security console. Interested fans can explore the site at

Visitors to the website are greeted with eerie music when the virtual TV is turned off, adding to the mysterious atmosphere.

Debuting On Xbox Game Pass?

Reports suggest that Microsoft plans to announce the release of Black Ops 6 directly onto Game Pass during its Xbox showcase in June. While Microsoft has not confirmed these reports, they align with statements from Xbox president Sarah Bond, who mentioned that all Microsoft games, including those from the newly acquired Activision, would be available on Game Pass at launch.

Call Of Duty Black Ops 6 Release Date (Expected)

Sources indicate that Activision is aiming for a late October 2024 release for Black Ops 6. This follows teasers found in the battle royale game Warzone, which were acknowledged by developer Treyarch. Additionally, there are rumors that Microsoft intends to make the Call of Duty back catalog available on Game Pass ahead of Black Ops 6's release.

Although the TV-themed teaser website promises more information soon, details about Black Ops 6 remain sparse. Fans can anticipate further announcements at the upcoming Xbox showcase on June 9, 2024.