With over 100 million downloads on Google Play, Battlegrounds Mobile India or BGMI stands at the second rank in the top games list, at the time of writing. Players have been playing BGMI like anything since its unban. It won't be a surprise if someone sitting just across the room starts shouting suddenly, "Shoot!", or "Revive Me." It may just turn out they'll be busy playing BGMI only. While we're on the topic, let us talk about the latest additions. Few new items including weapons have been launched in the game such as the AMR and MG3 which you will find exclusively in the air drops only.

Let us shed some light on some of the best weapons that you can use in BGMI to ace your gameplay and score Chicken Dinners.

First, we have to understand that there are several categories for weapons when it comes to BGMI. Let us first understand them. The categories are — Melee, Crossbows, Pistols, SMGs (Sub Machine Guns), LMGs (Light Machine Guns), SG (Shot Guns), AR (Assault Rifles), SR (Sniper Rifles), DMR (Designated Marksman Rifles).

Now Meele, Crossbows, and Pistols are not that highly recommended when it comes to pro-level plays. SMGs are good to begin the game with as they are the best for short-range fights and that's what's expected the most when the game begins. LMGs or ARs paired up with SRs probably make up the best combination as you are fully prepared both for a short-to-mid-range fight with ARs and you're also prepared for long-range sniping fights. Let us now look at some of the top ARs.

BGMI: Best Assault Rifles

The most damage-dealing ARs in BGMI are AKM and Groza. Their damage per shot is the same, however, a few other things should also be considered when you're looking for your 'The One' weapon, such as the rate of fire. When it comes to the rate of fire along with the damage dealt, then no Assault Rifle ever beats Groza. The base damage for Groza's and AKM's one shot is 49 HP, however, Groza's rate of fire is higher than that of AKM.

Some other decent ARs would be MK47 Mutant, M416, Beryl M762 and SCAR-L.

Now that we have covered our primary weapon, let us now move on to the ideal secondary weapon which is a Sniper Rifle.

BGMI: Best Sniper Rifles

Irrespective of the number of times BGMI has been banned and got back if one thing has remained constant then that is the sniper AWM. Though AMR is the highest damage-dealing gun in the game to ever exist as of now, the popularity of AWM seems to be unending. With taking 134 HP from your enemy's health, AWM is known to knock/kill enemies wearing even Level 3 Helmet from hundreds of metres of distance. It can only be found in air drops though. Similarly, AMR can also be found in airdrops only and it deals a damage of 140 HP in one shot.

AWM is followed by M24 and Kar98 which deal a damage of 94 and 92 HP in one shot, respectively. 

Now, that both the weapons are sorted, let us go back to the Primary weapon and see if there are any alternatives.

BGMI: Alternatives To ARs aka Light Machine Guns (LMG)

If you're looking for the next best weapons to ARs then they would be LMG. There are three weapons in BGMI that belong to this category, they are- DP-28, M249, and MG3. DP-28 deals a damage of 47 HP in one shot whereas M249 deals a damage of 42 HP and MG3 deals a damage of 41. DP-28 would be a good replacement for Groza if you can tolerate a bit slower firing rate and a longer reload time. If you just want speed then Groza would be the right pick, however, if you can play well with patience and you can time your gameplay better then DP-28 without any questions would be a killer gun.

M249 would be a decent substitute for M416. Though this also will have a longer reload time, its one round will contain 150 bullets in a round when paired up with a Magazine extender. So, the trade for almost quadruple times bullet for a few more seconds in reload seems fair.

Now let us look at some other good guns across all categories.

BGMI: Decent Guns Across All Categories

SMG UZI is a very good gun when it comes to short-range fights as it offers great stability. P90 also can be termed as a good weapon.

SLR, belonging to the Designated Marksman Rifle category, can also be termed as a decent gun.

The best strategy to win BGMI is not to just engage in fights though, the best strategy is to survive and be the 'Last Man Standing'. Therefore, engage in fights when you're sure of your win and use the aforementioned best weapons to increase your chances of winning Chicken Dinners one after another.