Battlegrounds Mobile India, popularly known as BGMI, is set to hold its first-ever in-game concert. Following Travis Scott’s incredibly popular virtual concert in Fortnite, several multiplayer games have held in-game concerts with leading musicians. BGMI’s first-ever in-game concert will feature the much admired all-girl K-pop group, Blackpink. 

Blackpink x BGMI 2022 concert: Date, time

The Blackpink concert will be held on July 23 and July 24, from 3pm to 5pm and again from 10pm to 12am. 

A rerun of the concert will be held on July 30 at 7:30am, and on July 31 at 5:30am.

Blackpink x BGMI 2022 concert: How to get tickets

To access the concert, all you need to do is download BGMI on July 15 (or log in if already downloaded) to receive a free in-game ticket. 

The concert resource pack, that will enable the concert on your device, will be available to download on July 16. 

ALSO ON ABP LIVE: BGMI Crosses 100 Million Registered Users In Less Than A Year: 5 Reasons Why You Should Play The Battle Royale

For those unaware, BGMI is a rebranded version of PUBG Mobile, which was banned by the Indian government back in 2020 along with 117 other Chinese apps. PUBG Mobile was eventually relaunched in the country by South Korea-based Krafton as Battlegrounds Mobile India in 2021.