Ananta, previously known as Project Mugen and Mugen, is an urban open-world role-playing game developed by Naked Rain, a Hangzhou-based studio, in collaboration with NetEase Montreal. Published by NetEase, the game was officially unveiled on August 24, 2023, during Gamescom. This free-to-play title combines anime-inspired visuals with engaging mechanics in a dynamic cityscape.

Ananta: Aesthetic, World Design

Ananta's world is brought to life with cel-shaded, anime-like graphics, complemented by day-night cycles. The game’s initial city, Nova Inception Urbs, takes inspiration from Japanese urban culture, while future expansions promise cities with European and American influences. Players can explore procedurally generated urban landscapes crafted from pre-designed zones such as parks, factories, and beaches.

The cities are bustling with life, from NPC pedestrians to lurking adversaries. Beyond exploration, players can immerse themselves in activities like mini-games, interacting with objects, and even picking up stray cats.

Ananta: Characters, Mechanics

The game introduces a roster of characters including Taffy, Bansy, Alan, Mechanika, and Dila. Each character boasts unique abilities, with traversal mechanics being a standout feature. Players can swim, climb walls, perform parkour, or swing between buildings using ropes — a system reminiscent of Spider-Man's mobility.

Traversal is seamless, with no stamina limitations, and some characters offer specialised movement methods. For instance, Taffy's hammer can transform into a bike. Combat allows for a four-character team setup, where players can switch between heroes during intense battles, leveraging their unique skills and stats. Teams can also activate powerful buffs or abilities like telekinesis or crowd control.

Ananta: Storyline

Players step into the shoes of an “Infinite Trigger,” a top-tier supernatural investigator tasked with solving paranormal mysteries and combating "Chaos," a threat to humanity. The main characters, along with certain NPCs, are "Espers" with extraordinary abilities.

Each Esper’s narrative unfolds through quests, leading players to recover lost memories, unlock abilities, and ultimately confront a formidable villain.

Ananta: Future Plans

Currently in development for PC, PlayStation 5, Android, and iOS, Ananta supports Chinese, English, and Japanese languages, with more localisation options planned. While a release date and monetisation strategy have not been finalised, the developers are prioritising refining gameplay and enriching content.

Ananta promises a blend of action, mystery, and exploration in a vibrant urban setting, leaving fans eagerly awaiting further updates.