New Delhi: On Friday, a number of celebrities attended the grand launch of the new Delhi store of fashion designer Amit Aggarwal. Veteran actress Zeenat Aman was one of them. Uorfi Javed, an actor and social media influencer, joined her. The two are shown in a video from the event that has surfaced online and is receiving a wide range of responses. While some claim that Zeenat was "staring from top to bottom" while Uorfi spoke to her, others were surprised to see the two together. Both ladies were dressed in black outfits by the designer.

On Saturday, fashion-based Instagram account Diet Sabya posted a video where Zeenat Aman can be seen having a good look at Uorfi from top to bottom as the latter coherently explains something to her. The account shared the video with the caption, "CAPTION THIS!! @thezeenataman & @urf7i meet at @amitaggarwalofficial"

An Instagram user commented, "Zeenat didn't sign up for this..." One more said, "Zeenat is going go back and ask her kids about Uorfi." A person also wrote, “Uorfi Javed - 'I am telling you my clothes inspiration are from Ram Teri Ganga Maili (Zeenat's 1985 film)'.”

Check out the video here:


Some users also joked about Zeenat's expression in the video as she met Uorfi, who is known for her unconventional fashion choices. One wrote, "Zeenat ji is staring at her from top to bottom." One more said, "Not Uorfi getting judged by none other than Zeenat." A comment also hinted at singer Doja Cat's recent interview at the Met Gala carpet, where she replied to every question with 'meow'. The comment read, "Zeenat’s comments are meow meow meow."

A person also wrote, "Zeenat - ‘How did I time travel’." One more said, "Oh my eyes! This shouldn’t have occurred in the first place! Zeenat ji my heart goes out to you!"

Zeenat Aman recently made her Instagram debut in February, this year, and has been grabbing attention ever since. With thoughtful words, the seasoned actress continues to post both new and old photos from her life. She has shared a wealth of memories on her Instagram timeline, including those of her time spent with the late Dev Anand and her relationships with her two boys. 

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