Yami Gautam and Aditya Dhar celebrated their first wedding anniversary on Saturday. The actress and director got married on 4th June 2021 in an intimate ceremony in Himachal Pradesh. Both began dating during the promotional tour of 'Uri: The Surgical Strike' that Dhar directed and Yami acted in. Yami shared a short video from her wedding to mark the celebrations.
For those who do not know, Yami and Aditya had been dating for quite some time but kept their relationship under wraps until the wedding day. Yami wore her mother's red saree for the wedding while Aditya contrasted it with an off-white sherwani. Both complimented each other's outfit on the wedding day.
Yami posted the small anniversary special video with a caption that read, "For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful you are in my life :) Happy 1st Anniversary! ❤️" on her official Instagram handle.
Aditya also shared the same wedding video and wrote, "For all you do, for who you are, I will be forever grateful you are in my life.1st Anniversary! ❤️"
Interestingly, there was no proposal in their relationship, Yami once revealed on the sets of 'The Kapil Sharma Show'.
Many have pointed out that their wedding came as one of the most unexpected weddings of the year. Nonetheless, their wedding pictures were no less than dreamy.
We wish them a very first wedding anniversary.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Yami was recently seen in ‘Dasvi’ and ‘ A Thursday’ for both of which she received rave reviews for her performance.