New Delhi: XG have made waves around the world with the music video for their second single, MASCARA - surpassing 20 million views within a month of release. As well as launching their fanclub, ALPHAZ, XG have begun posting a series of videos on YouTube under the banner "XTRA XG" on YouTube.

XTRA XG #1 includes a first live stage performance, behind-the-scenes footage of the recently released MASCARA performance video and a video of a surprise birthday party for XG’s HINATA.

 Compared to other behind-the-scenes footage, the video shows a more personal look at the XG members, including their conversations and honest interactions, making the viewer feel as if they are there with the girls.

As well as this, ALPHAZ, the official fanclub of XG was launched on Friday the 5th. The app contains exclusive videos, blog entries and many more that are only available to fan club members. There is also a community forum, which XG will join from time to time. The Fanclub offers privileges for early adopters and those who renew their membership. 

Check out the XTRA XG #1 LIVE STAGE & Performance Video Behind/HINATA’s Birthday Surprise:

“MASCARA” stands as an anthem for the next generation - emboldened with confidence and compassion. “MASCARA” evokes strength, unity, and the bonds of friendship. The bold defiance in the line “don’t mess with my mascara” captures the fresh and fearless spirit of XG. Nobody is going to make them cry.

XG is a seven-member HipHop/R&B girls group consisting of JURIN, CHISA, HARVEY, HINATA, JURIA, MAYA and COCONA. 

On March 18 2022, they became the first artists to debut from XGALX, a global entertainment production company with a mission to produce artists with a defined world view, creating a culture of “bold” creativity. 

The group's name, "XG", stands for "Xtraordinary Girls". With their fresh, inventive music and performance, XG aims to empower young people from all over the world - from all walks of life.