New Delhi: Following the shocking incident of Hollywood actor Will Smith slapping comedian Chris Rock during a live global broadcast of the Oscar Award, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences banned the actor from attending any Academy event for next ten years.
While the industry big names have not spoken out anything regarding Academy’s decision yet, many have taken actor’s side, questioning Academy’s decision when it decided to ban Roman Polanski 40 years after he was convicted of a raping a minor. Some even called the decision to be racist.
American author, Frederick Joseph termed the decision to be racist as he tweeted, “The ten year ban they gave Will Smith feels very “make a lesson of this Black person.”
“White Privilege on parade: Will Smith banned from attending the Oscars for the next 10 years for slapping Chris Rock. In contrast, Donald Trump waged a coup and incited the Jan 6 terrorist attack BUT has suffered NO Penalty at all,” tweeted Dean Obeidallah.
Among celebrities who spoke out at Will Smith’s ban were comedian David Baddiel, American rapper 50 Cent, Comedian Ricky Gervais, journalist Piers Morgan among others.
Taking to Twitter, Baddiel wrote, “I have to say if someone said to me you're banned from award ceremonies for 10 years, I'd say...thanks.”
While 50 Cent said that the decision was “too harsh.” “Got Damn they are doing Will dirty, This is too harsh so he can't come back till he 63 years old. and the lawsuit ain’t even hit yet. SMH,” the wrapper expressed.
Journalist Piers Morgan questioned while backing the actor questioned Academy’s decision when it decided to ban film director Roman Polanski 40 years after he was convicted a rape.
“Will Smith banned by the Hollywood Academy, 12 days after he slapped Chris Rock. It took the same Academy 40 years to ban Roman Polanski after he was convicted of raping a child,” he tweeted.
While the “King Richard” actor has been banned from attending any Academy event, he was not barred from further Oscar nominations or asked to return his award that he won last month.