Mumbai: It’s time to send congratulatory messages to Harnaaz Sandhu as she has been crowned as the LIVA Miss Diva Universe 2021. The 21-year-old model will represent India at the global pageant Miss Universe 2021, which will be conducted in Israel in December. Pune's Ritika Khatani emerged as LIVA Miss Diva Supranational 2021 while Sonal Kukreja finished as the first runner-up. 

Harnaaz Sandhu took to social media to share a heartfelt post after emerging as the winner of Miss India Universe 2021. She expressed her excitement over representing the country at an international platform. 

She wrote, "And finally! The journey to the Universe has started. When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it and today, I am feeling this from the bottom of my heart. I am overwhelmed and extremely grateful to God for giving wings to my dreams, power to my voice and a purpose to my life. The journey had its own set of ups and downs, highs and lows but what has always been firm in my mind is to represent "INDIA" at an International platform."

"I am filled with gratitude and I am still trying to sink in the feeling that "Yes! Finally this has happened". To all my beautiful people, trust me, it's all about carrying the passion in the heart and moving one step at a time towards that one goal that has always been there on your mind. Aspire to inspire and thrive to achieve! Lastly, with gratitude in my heart, I would like to extend a hearty thank you to @ruby6100 @gpdhillon_ @hsmusics @deeptigujral @supreetbedi13 especially @naughtynatty_g @vineetjain12 for always believing in me, supporting me at every step of my journey," Harnaaz added.

Who Is Harnaaz Sandhu? All You Need To Know 

Harnaaz is an actress and model, who won Femina Miss India Punjab 2019. She completed her schooling and graduation in Chandigarh. Sandhu has also acted in a few Punjabi films. 

In an Instagram post, Harnaaz revealed that she collaborated with an NGO and medical professionals to spread awareness about the importance of hand hygience amid the COVID-19 crisis. The Miss Diva Universe 2021 has also used different platforms to advocate mental health.

She wrote, "I have been advocating about this issue in my circle of influence that distress and depression should not be a barrier to our growth and letting go of it can lead us on the path towards our dreams. Our society needs to change its perception towards this sensitive issue and I affirm that if given an opportunity, I can use this platform strongly to work towards bringing a change in the society by breaking the stigma linked to mental health and also to inspire the youth to feel the purpose of their existence."