Mumbai: Actor Vijay Varma uploaded a fun video on Thursday, from the set of his recent web series "OK Computer". In the video the he posted on Instagram Story, Vijay is seen in get-up as Saajan Kundu. He swings a long wire around himself while co-star Radhika Apte stands nearby talking to the crew. Vijay then moves to one side smiling, letting the camera crew to pass.

"#Behindthescenes", "@itsvijayvarma aka Saajan Kundu aka Nature Boy," Vijay captioned the video, referring to the fact that theywere filming in the outdoors amidst the backdrop of woods.

Watch: Vijay Varma Is Excited As A Delivery Boy Praises His Performance In 'Ok Computer'

The actor had garnered positive reviews for his performance in the show that also starred Jackie Shroff.

Vijay will soon be seen in "Darlings" starring Alia Bhatt, "Fallen" with Sonakshi Sinha, as well as "Hurdang" with Nushrratt Bharuccha and Sunny Kaushal.

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