New Delhi: Nayanthara and Vignesh Shivan made the joyous news of the birth of twins public earlier this week. If the rumours are true, the couple had their children via a surrogate. The controversy surrounding Vignesh Shivan and Nayanthara's surrogacy arrangement has sparked debate on potential breaches of state law. As of January, with a few exceptions, surrogacy has been prohibited in India, thus the announcement caused a commotion. 

Ma Subramanian, the health minister for Tamil Nadu, has also responded, stating that the state government would inquire further into the incident by contacting the couple.

Amidst the ongoing controversy, Vignesh has been posting cryptic messages on his Instagram account. The director-actor has continued his Instagram story threads on love and faith. On Friday, he posted a note, which reads: “Choose people who will tell you want you need to hear even when it’s hard.”

In another story, he shared a quote by Osho, “You don’t need any churches, you don’t need any temples, you don’t need any mosques; you don’t need only a prayerful heart, a loving heart, a grateful heart. That is your real temple. That will transform your whole life. That will help you discover not only yourself, but the very depths of this immense existence.”

For the unversed, commercial surrogacy is illegal in India. Surrogate mothers and intended parents must meet several requirements before proceeding with a surrogacy arrangement. Both parties need to have Indian ancestry, have been married for at least five years, and not have any children of their own, whether via birth, adoption, or surrogacy. 

This year, a law was passed that said only altruistic surrogacy would be allowed, and the parents would not have to pay for anything other than the surrogate's medical costs and insurance coverage.

ALSO READ: Tamil Nadu Govt Announces Surrogacy Probe After Nayanthara-Vignesh Shivan's Twins' Birth