New Delhi: Malayalam superstar Mohanlal recently bought a luxurious duplex apartment in Kochi and had a house warming ceremony at the house. Filmmaker Aneesh Upaasana, who was present at the house warming ceremony, posted a video on Facebook showing us the grand house of the superstar.  

The house is an assimilation of two flats on the 15th and the 16 floors that have been turned into a single duplex flat. The interiors of the house are done very tastefully and give a grand look to the entire house. The actor says in the video that he and his wife are very particular about the interiors. Kochi-based interior designing company RAK Interiors is behind the amazing interiors of the house.

You can also see an old Lambretta scooter placed at the entrance of the house, the number plate on the scooter reads “2255” which will remind you of Mohanlal’s famous phone number dialogue from the film ‘Rajavinte Makan'.   

The four-bedroom house has a living area, dining room, pooja room, and a kitchen on the ground floor. There is a makeup room and staff rooms too in the house.  

Mohanlal will be next seen in the film ‘Alone’. The film is directed by Shaji Kailas and marks the reunion of Mohanlal and the director after 12 years. They have previously worked in films like ‘Narasimham’, ‘Natturajavu’, ‘Baba Kalyani’.  

While unveiling the title of the film, Mohanlal had spoken about his collaborations with director Shaji Kailas. “Shaji and I have worked in several movies. Shaji’s heroes are always brave and strong. And real heroes are always alone. You will understand it when you watch this film,” the actor had told the media.