New Delhi: Filmmaker Manish Mundra’s directorial venture 'Siya' is hitting the big screens on 16th September 2022. Ahead of its release, actor Vicky Kaushal has sent his good wishes to Manish Mundra who also produced Vicky's movie 'Masaan'.
Vicky Kaushal took to his social media and wrote, "My best wishes to Manish Mundra for his first directorial. Releasing in cinemas on 16th September, hearing some great reviews... Looking forward to watch it, #Siya."
On receiving appreciation galore during promotions of the film, Manish Mundra said, "It is really endearing to receive so much of love from the audiences. I'm really looking forward to their response once our film releases theatrically and I'm glad to have been blessed with such warm words, support and best wishes for this project. The promotions have been great and we are really hoping for more love to pour in. This movie is extremely close to my heart and the actors have translated my vision exactly how I wished to portray it. The movie will instantly strike a chord with your heart and the support we have received has only made us more confident of our movie."
The film takes audiences through a tale of a small-town girl who despite all hurdles, decides to take down oppressive patriarchy and fight for justice. 'Siya' is a film that tells a tale of a teenage girl and her struggle for justice against the heinous crime and the toll it takes on her mentally, physically, and on her family.
'Siya' marks producer Manish Mundra’s directorial debut and though the hard-hitting film is based in one of the northern states in India, it speaks to a global audience. The film has been produced by Drishyam Films and stars Vineet Kumar Singh and debutant Pooja Pandey in the lead roles. The film hits theatres on 16th September.