New Delhi: Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal made a beautiful couple complementing each other in their outfits on their wedding day. Both of them wore Sabyasachi outfits for their wedding and grabbed several eyeballs as soon as they shared pictures from the ceremony on social media. In the pictures shared by the couple, Katrina Kaif can be seen wearing a beautiful red lehenga while her husband Vikcy Kaushal complemented her in an ivory sherwani. 

Katrina was decked up from head to toe with royal jewellery for her wedding day. But what caught our attention was her beautiful engagement ring. The 'Sooryavanshi' actress' enagagement ring is a spectacular piece with a saphhire surrounded with diamond set in platinum. According to several media reports, the ring costs a whooping amount of Rs 7.4 lakhs. Well, this is not the only inetresting thing about Katrina's engagement ring, her ring has a special connection with her husband Vicky Kaushal as well. 

Katrina's engagement ring has sapphire as the stone, which is supposedly Vicky Kaushal's birthstone. Vicky Kaushal celebrates his birthday on May 16, and people born during this period has Taurus as their zodiac sign. The birthstone of Taurus is saphhire. 

The 'Phone Bhoot' actress' thought behind this special engagement ring is all things love. Her ring also bears a striking similarity with that of Princess Diana's engagement ring, which also had a big sapphire stone surrounded with diamond. 

Her uncut diamond mangalsutra is also grabbing all the attention. Katrina Kaif's mangalsutra has also been designed by Sabyasachi. 

A head-to-toe Sabyasachi bride, Katrina Kaif wore a red handwoven matka silk lehenga and her veil paid a homage to Vicky Kaushal's Punjabi roots as it was custom-trimmed with handmade kiran in hand-beaten silver electroplated in gold. 

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