Bigg Boss fame popular TV actor Karanvir Bohra and wife Teejay Sidhu recently welcome their third child, baby girl and as the lil one turned 3 months old the new mommy took to social media to share a heart-warming post.
Teejay Sidhu has shared a throwback pic from hospital bed, the day her third daughter was born. The picture was taken by her husband Karanvir Bohra and shows the mother-daughter duo sleeping in the same pose.
Sharing the picture, she penned an elaborated note explaining how she connected with the little baby, "Happy 3 months birthday, babygirl. This was us, the day she was born. We both were pretty tired from the long nine month journey! Carrying, nurturing and bringing a child earth-side is no joke! Sometimes the journey got rough, but we both made it, (Pregnancy was actually the easy part, these sleepless nights I'm getting are not so easy!)." She further added that the connection that she shares with her baby is magical. She wrote that she could connect with her child as she carried her in her womb and it was just two of them then. "I'd speak to her and she'd reply by kicking me! The connection is quite magical actually!"In the end, she mentioned that this photo wasn't staged as we see the baby and the mother sleeping in exactly the same pose.
Check out the post below:
Earlier proud daddy Karanvir too had shared an endearing post marking his daughter’s third month.
Teejay & Karanvir welcomed her third child, daughter Gia Vanessa Snow in January. The couple is already parents to four-year-old twin girls Bella and Vienna. After welcoming their third daughter to this world, Karanvir had even described himself as the father of 'Charlie's Angels'.