New Delhi: Director Smriti Mundhra, who is basking in the success of her recently released docu-series 'The Romantics', has shared that the coming together of the three big Khans of Bollywood - Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, and Salman Khan has had a deep impact on the narrative of the series as they being the thought leader of Hindi cinema added depth to the storytelling with their insights. 

Smriti Mundhra said, “While it’s pure coincidence that the three Khans - SRK, Salman & Aamir - appear together for the first time in The Romantics, in retrospect it makes sense. All three of these legends have shared an intimate professional and personal relationship with Yash Chopra and Aditya Chopra, and for that reason they were each on my list of hopeful interviews. Besides being huge stars, they are also each thought leaders of Indian cinema and having them in The Romantics added so much insight to the series.” 

The show, streaming on Netflix, became the Number 1 trending title on the OTT platform within 48 hours of its drop.     

Talking about the response to the series, the director said, “The reaction to 'The Romantics' has been overwhelming and thrilling. I think the success of the series proves that nostalgia for movies is strong and that we as a society are still in love with cinema. I think the combination of star power, nostalgic pull, and of course, the must-see factor of Aditya Chopra's first-ever interview catapulted 'The Romantics' to this feat." 

The four-part docu-series celebrates late filmmaker Yash Chopra and his production banner Yash Raj Films' rich cultural legacy of 50 years. The series features 35 leading voices of the Hindi film industry and dive into the history of Bollywood through the lens of YRF's impact in making Bollywood a household name globally.     

The docu-series features Shah Rukh Khan, Aamir Khan, Salman Khan, Hrithik Roshan, Ranbir Kapoor, Amitabh Bachchan, Ranveer Singh, Anushka Sharma, and others who have closely worked with the studio conglomerate.       

Interestingly, the reclusive head of Yash Raj Films, Aditya Chopra, was also coaxed into recording his first on-camera interview for the docu-series.