New Delhi: On Monday night it looked like that Kapil Sharma and Sunil Grover fiasco is coming to an end when the latter apologized on Twitter. Popular comedian and actor Kapil Sharma took to twitter and wrote “Paji @WhoSunilGrover sry if I hurt u unintentionally.u knw vry well how much I luv u. M also upset .love n regards always:)

Check out his Tweet:

Later on, Sunil Grover also took to twitter to respond to Kapil’s apology. He rather posted a bold and stern reply. Sunil, who plays Dr Mashoor Gulati and Rinku Bhabhi on Kapil's show, further said that, "thanks for making me realise it was your show and you have power to throw out anybody,anytime."

Check this out:

This tweet shows that Sunil Grover has been deeply hurt. But, it also hints that Sunil Grover is not returning to the show.

Last day, new episode of ‘The Kapil Sharma Show’ was being shot without Sunil Grover.

What you think? Will Sunil comeback in the show on fans demand?