New Delhi: Star Plus’ popular show ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ is all set to get its own spin-off. The upcoming show has been making waves ever since it was announced that TV’s heartthrob Shaheer Sheikh will play the main lead. The ‘Dastaan-E-Mohabbat: Salim Anarkali’ actor will romance ‘Tu Suraj Main Sanjh Piyaji’ actress Rhea Sharma in the much-awaited show. As per the latest buzz, the makers have roped in a talented actress to play a crucial role in YRKKH’s spin-off.
Rhea Sharma to romance Shaheer Sheikh in 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' spin-off!
A report in an entertainment portal has suggested that the makers have approached Rupal Patel to play an important role in the show. The actress is fondly known for her role as Kokila Modi from ‘Saath Nibhana Saathiya’. Rupal was last seen playing a cameo in Zee TV’s ‘Manmohini’.
(Rupal as Kokila in Saathiya)
The spin-off of ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ will go on floors in April, the report in Pinkvilla said.
Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai SPIN-OFF: Sangeeta Kapure JOINS Shaheer Sheikh in the show
The casting process for the show is going on in full swing and the makers have already roped in Sangeeta Kapure and Chaitrali Gupte. Speculations are also rife that ‘Tu Aashiqui’ fame actor Ritvik Arora will join Shaheer Sheikh in the spin-off.
READ- 'Tu Aashiqui' fame Ritvik Arora joins Shaheer Sheikh in 'Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai' spin-off?
‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’, which stars Mohsin Khan and Shivangi Joshi in the respective roles of Kartik and Naira, is not the first show on Star Plus to get a spin-off.
Nakuul Mehta starrer ‘Ishqbaaaz’ was the first show on Indian television to get its own spin-off, which was titled ‘Dil Bole Oberoi’. The show started well but couldn’t survive the ratings game and was merged with 'Ishqbaaaz' after five months.
Zee TV’s Kumkum Bhagya’s spin-off ‘Kundali Bhagya’ is doing quite well on the TRP charts. It remains to be seen how YRKKH’s spin-off fares on the ratings front.
Stay tuned for more updates!