Naira and Kartik are living separately after the five year leap and fans are eagerly waiting for their reunion. Shaurya Shah has entered ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ as Kairav aka Kartik & Naira’s son. The viewers are loving the cute mother and son duo of Naira and Kairav and it is reflecting in the show’s TRPs.
While the fans are enjoying the current track, we have some bad news for them. Shaurya, who plays the role of Kairav, has quit ‘YRKKH’. Yes, you read that right.
A report in an entertainment portal has suggested the child artist had to quit the show because of ill health.
WATCH: Know why Naira couldn't meet Karthik | Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai
Shaurya Shah has been keeping unwell and hence he had to bid adieu to ‘Yeh Rishta’, the report in IWMBuzz.
Shaurya also shared a farewell note on Instagram. The child artist thanked the entire team of the show for their love and support.
He wrote, ‘’ The most difficult part of today is to say ”Good-bye” I m grateful to the entire team of YRKKH for all the love, support, and care. I extend a big thank you to all my fans for loving me as “Kairav” you all will be missed until I meet again. Last but not the least, thank you Jai sir for believing in me Naira didi u will always be my favourite and will be missed forever.
Shaurya has deleted the post now but one of the fan clubs took a screenshot of his post. We wonder why the actor deleted the post after confirming that he has quit the show. Check it out!
‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ has seen a rise in ratings after the leap and it remains to be seen if the makers will replace Shaurya or the actor will continue to be part of the show.
Watch this space for more updates!