New Delhi: In the Star Plus Show Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai, viewers have seen many different avatars of Akshara. Now the gorgeous Hina Khan aka Akshara will turn into a superwoman while she will save her daughter Naira from goons.
Now this whole will start up with the Naksh bringing the mystery girl Riya home as he thinks that she needs some help. But in real, this mystery girl turns out to be theif.
Riya will mix something in the Kheer that will make everyone drowsy and asleep. But between all this Naksha and Akshara will not consume kheer as they have diabetes. Riya will try to steal money but Akshara and Naira will try to prevent her. The goons will attack Naira. At this time, Akshara will don her superwoman avatar and will beat up the goons. Akshara is able to save Naira’s life. Later it will be revealed that Riya is Nisha and she was one who behind robbing the Singhania house.