New Delhi : The story that revolves around Raman and Ishita has an another turn to take soon. Currently the Actress, Divyanka Tripathi is making news of being hitched to his beau Vivek Dahiya. So, as the actress has take 10 days leave, the makers have come up with the new plot in the serial.

In the coming episodes of the Yeh Hai Mohabbatein, Ishita and Raman are to get married again on Ruhi’s demand. But shock comes when everyone is trying to find Ishita. Raman asks everyone that if they have seen Ishita.

Tension mounts up and everyone tries to find where she is. Amid all these Ruhi says that last Ishita met with the Judge. So it is possible that judge may have some information about it. Later they come to know that judge knows nothing about it.

Well, we want to tell our audience that this plot will go on for few more days, till Ishita aka Divyanka Tripathi comes back from her Wedding.