Popular TV actress Divyanka Tripathi who is currently juggling between two shows, 'Yeh Hai Mohabbatein' and 'The Voice India' makes sure to perform her ideal daughter-in-law role in real life. Despite of her busy schedule the actress makes sure to spend time with her family and visit her sasural in Haryana from time to time.

Recently the TV queen was seen enjoying herself in Haryana with her husband Vivek Dahiya and in-laws. The actress also got a chance to meet Vivek's grandmother and shared adorable pics on social media.

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Divyanka shared a perfect family click posing along side hubby and her in laws, take a look:

The family got to Hisar via road and had tons of fun on their way.

Before this, Vivek and Divyanka also went to Kasauli with the former's parents to escape the summer heat and their hectic schedule in Mumbai. And while the two actors seemed extremely happy to be home, Vivek’s parents seemed delighted to see them.

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Divyanka also got a chance to meet Vivek's grandmother:

Here's some more pics from Divyanka's Haryana visit: