Television’s extremely popular actress Sanaya Irani, who recently tied the knot with beau Mohit Sehgal,will be seen back on the small screen soon.

According to a leading entertainment news portal,Sanaya will play the lead in Full House Media’s next for Star Plus.“Sonali Jaffer and Amir Jaffer are presently working on a show for Star Plus. The story will focus on an unmarried mausi,who will devote her life in the upbringing of the three kids of her sister” TellyChakkar quoted a source saying.

Also: All PICS from Sanaya Irani-Mohit Sehgal’s wedding reception!

The central role of ‘Mausi’ will be played by Sanaya Irani. The show is tentatively titled as ‘Meenu Mausi’. “Two popular men,Shaleen Malhotra and Aditya Redij were shortlisted for the lead’s role. With Shaleen all set to bag the lead in Balaji Telefilms’ show for Star Plus,It looks as though Redij will lap up this prized offer” TellyChakkar‘s source added. Sanaya Irani participated in last season of Jhalak Dikhhlaja and was the runner up. She was last seen in fiction ‘Rang Rasiya’