Star Plus’ ‘Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai’ is one of the most loved shows on the small screen. The daily soap starring Shivangi Joshi and Mohsin Khan in the respective roles of Naira and Kartik is doing quite well on the TRP charts even after completing over 2700 episodes. YRKKH has in fact bounced back and secured the second spot in the latest set of BARC ratings. Fans have been eagerly waiting to see the reunion of their lovely KaiRa for quite some time now.

The two lovebirds had separated after Shubham’s death due to drugs overdose in the show. According to the latest buzz, the fans can expect Kartik and Naira to reunite soon.

Ashi (Mrinal Singh), who is supposed to get married to Kartik, will flee with her boyfriend at the last moment, a report in an entertainment portal suggested. Interestingly, it will be Kartik and Naira who will help Ashi to elope with Karan.

Kartik’s dadi (Swati Chitnis) will blame Suwarna (Parul Chauhan) for the embarrassment and to save Goenka’s honour Naira will remarry Kartik, the report in BollywoodLife said.

The makers have planned some heavy drama ahead as Suwarna will not be ready to accept Naira as her daughter-in-law. However, this time Akshara’s daughter won’t remain silent and will protest for her rights, the report added.

The current track of the show has managed to keep the viewers on the edge of their seats and we wonders what other twists and turns the creatives have in store for all the fans.

Watch this space for more updates!

Also SEE- In Pics: Here's how YRKKH star cast celebrated 2700 episodes completion