New Delhi: We must say that in this season, Swamiji is probably the most interesting contestant to observe and talk about. But be prepared to be shocked as there is a different person outside the house. According to a report in BOC, Swamiji is facing non bailable warrants in the Delhi court for many theft cases! You read that right. Reportedly, Swamiji’s younger brother has filed a case against him for breaking the lock of his bicycle shop along with three other men and then selling the expensive parts after stealing bicycles! Woah. Swamiji has also been charged under the Arms Act as there were arms and ammunitions found in his possession. The report says he’s also accused of extortion. So, the channel might probably remove Swamiji as his record doesn’t give a good light of his behavior and also they don’t want any trouble in the show.

In an episode, Swamiji was seen stealing a perfume bottle from the bathroom area.

P.S: Do you remember the time when Swamiji was found stealing a perfume from the bathroom area when no one was around?